Understanding Inflammation in Horses – and How MediVet ACS Counters It

June 6, 2018 - Lexington, KY

In horses, injuries, joint damage, wear and tear from training and competition, infections by bacteria or viruses, and even some allergic reactions all have at least one thing in common: their ability to provoke inflammation.
This inflammatory response is part of the horse’s body’s natural attempt at self-protection and healing. However, even in the case of microscopic inflammation, the healing process will not start until the inflammation process has finished, and ultimately the inflammation can be far more harmful than the initial stimulus (the trauma, injury, or invading organism) itself. Here’s why:
The Negatives of Inflammation
When inflammation occurs, chemical components from the body’s white blood cells and elsewhere are released into the blood and the affected tissues to attempt to protect the body. These cells either contain or produce more than 100 chemical mediators of the inflammatory response, including numerous inflammatory cytokines. The release of these mediators increases the blood flow to the area of injury or infection, which in turn can cause redness or warmth, and, due to an increased number of cells and inflammatory substances in the area, irritation, swelling, and ultimately pain.
In the horse’s joints, the swelling caused by inflammation can lead to the deterioration of the cartilage, joint damage, and arthritis (quite literally defined as inflammation of the joints). In the horse’s feet, inflammation can become laminitis (inflammation of the laminae). In the stomach, it can mean gastritis (inflammation of the stomach); in the tendons, tendonitis (which means, you guessed it: inflammation of the tendons), and so on, including colitis (inflammation of the large colon), synovitis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the joint), pleuritis (inflammation within the chest cavity), and more!
The MediVet ACS Difference
Fortunately, that is where MediVet ACS can help.
With the MediVet ACS process, the horse’s blood is drawn and sent to the MediVet lab, where unnecessary components of the blood are spun out, and a patented LED photobiostimulation technology is used to generate the ACS. This low-level light process, along with specially coated glass beads, result in the induction of anti-inflammatory cytokines, the inhibition of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, and the upregulation of growth factors.
Here’s what that means. Remember the aforementioned inflammatory cytokines? In order to help eliminate the inflammation in the horse, these inflammatory cytokines need to be blocked by anti-inflammatory cytokines! One such anti-inflammatory cytokine is the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). This binds to the IL-1, stopping it from causing inflammation. The induction of the IL-1ra is something that occurs in both the processing for MediVet ACS and IRAP® (which stands for Interleukin Receptor Antagonist Protein).
However, while only the IL-1ra is induced during IRAP processing, MediVet ACS is the only regenerative therapy option of its kind to additionally induce four powerful anti-inflammatory cytokines, including IL-4, IL-10, and IL-13. This means that MediVet ACS is doing more to block and terminate inflammation than any other regenerative therapy, making it one of the safest and most powerful anti-inflammatories available!
That’s not all though. There’s another major difference when it comes to MediVet ACS: it can be given intravenously.
What makes that special? Any of the other options currently on the market are typically administered directly to a specific joint through a sterile injection given by a veterinarian. These injections provide benefit to that specific problem area.
The ability to also be given intravenously means that MediVet ACS can not only help the horse’s joints, but it can also go where the horse needs it most, countering the various inflammations that occur throughout the horse’s body! These IV injections also allow for systemic, preventative care that fights lameness, aids in whole horse health and wellness, and provides a natural way of managing pain and inflammation!
To learn more about eliminating damaging inflammation in your horse, call (844)735-5320.
About MediVet Equine
MediVet Equine provides effective, all-natural, drug-free therapies designed to improve the overall health of performance horses. As the developers of MediVet ACS, SGF 1000 RMR, and Clear Scope, MediVet Equine specializes in regenerative treatments that help the body heal itself and build strength naturally, with products designed to activate stem cells within the horses to encourage growth. Learn more about MediVet Equine online at www.medivetequine.com.