Meet Dr. Alex Emerson of Palm Beach Equine Clinic

January 21, 2016 - Wellington, FL

Dr. Alex Emerson

Palm Beach Equine Clinic welcomed Dr. Alex Emerson to their impressive resume of veterinarians this past December. Dr. Emerson, who participated in a two-month preceptorship at Palm Beach Equine Clinic after he graduated from vet school, is pleased to make a return to the practice that got him started. Originally hailing from Nova Scotia, Canada, Dr. Emerson attended the University of Kentucky majoring in psychology before graduating from Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2002.

Here are six questions with Dr. Alex Emerson:

What brought you back to Palm Beach Equine?
When I was here after vet school, I became friends with the vets and staff and I really enjoyed the culture of the place. They have great vets supported by really great staff. There's a value to having other people around to bounce cases off of or learn from their cases, and I'm at a point in my career where I want to feel invigorated and challenged.

What experience do you have with horses outside of being a vet?
I was in love with racing growing up, and I wanted to be a jockey. I bought a horse for $500 when I was 12 that I paid for with money I made haying. I showed it very locally, but didn't have the opportunity to show at a serious level. My love of racing is what brought me to Kentucky. Other than that, I did learn to play polo a few years ago.

What inspired you to be a veterinarian?
I spent some time grooming at racetracks and that is when I rode along with my first vet. The job was awesome. I learned that you get to be around the horses, but you really get to use your brain and when I realized that, I knew it was my future. You have an opportunity to learn every day if you're paying attention, and that's why I love my job.

When you aren't working, where can we find you?
I'm a member at The Wanderers Golf Club, and I really enjoy that. I don't have time for polo anymore, but I love to fly fish in salt water. I like to ski, but I live in Florida during the winter now so I found a great hockey community. I play and coach my two sons in hockey [Riley is nine and Cooper is seven].

What advice would you give to someone considering vet school?
I always say it's not the horse business, it's the people business. If you are a people person and want to have a job where you're always learning something it's a great profession.

Name one thing most people don't know about you?
I love finding museums and historical places in foreign cities. I don't think that would come across to a lot of people.

Palm Beach Equine Clinic provides experience, knowledge, availability, and the very best care for the horses of Wellington and beyond.  Have them be a part of your team!  To find out more, please visit or call 561-793-1599. “Like” them on Facebook to follow along on what happens in Wellington and more, and get news from their Twitter!