Laine Ashker Has Seen Results With Equine Elixirs’ Positude and Ulceraser

November 14, 2019 - Wellington, FL

Laine Ashker and Sea of Champagne.
Photo by Jump Media
The talented mare Sea of Champagne has benefitted from the inclusion of Equine Elixirs' Positude into her program.
Photo courtesy of Laine Ashker
Laine Ashker has incorporated Equine Elixirs products into her top-level dressage and eventing program.
Photo by Jump Media

Top event and dressage rider Laine Ashker has been thrilled with the results she’s gotten incorporating Equine Elixirs’ all-natural supplements into her program at Laine Ashker Eventing in Chesterfield, VA. She uses both Ulceraser®, a forage-based gastric support supplement, and Positude®, a liquid that promotes hormone balance and even temperament.

“I’m not a big supplement person because I have mostly Thoroughbreds, and I’m lucky if they eat their feed, let alone if you put supplements in it,” said Ashker, who competes at the five-star level in eventing as well as the FEI level in dressage. “But every horse eats the Equine Elixirs products with no problem, which is great. I really like that the ingredients are all-natural.”

Ashker saw particularly impressive results when using Positude with the off-the-track Thoroughbred mare Sea of Champagne. “The Positude made a night-and-day difference in her,” she said. “Overall, her whole attitude about life has been great since she’s been on the Positude, so I can’t say enough about how pleased I am about it. It’s been a great product for her.

“She’s a talented mare, but she’s difficult in the way she is very sensitive and reactive to sound,” continued Ashker. “I would be warming up for dressage at an event, and if someone had a rail down in another ring, it would make her take off. I’d tried everything—backing her off grain, different types of grain, treating her for ulcers. Nothing helped with the reactivity to noise. I was thinking of trying Depo or something to try and keep her on an even keel, but then I found out about Positude.”

Positude, an all-natural, orally administered alternative to medroxyprogesterone, or Depo-Provera, is an effective, all-natural, affordable, and long-term solution for helping promote hormonal balance and consistent temperament in horses. Its liquid form, fed twice a day, provides a safe, convenient, and consistent delivery system.

Positude is designed to help eliminate undesirable behaviors that can result from hormonal imbalances. Positude acts on the pituitary to increase the amount and effects of natural progesterone while reducing the effects of estrogen and testosterone, helping to correct temperamental and unwanted behavior in mares, geldings, and stallions.  Positude also helps negate behaviors associated with estrus without interfering with a mare’s estrus cycle.

In addition, Positude supports muscular relaxation in skeletal and smooth muscles surrounding blood vessels, the digestive tract, and other organs, promoting a healthy nervous system and reducing stress, while helping maintain a quiet disposition.

“I’m not kidding, I tried it and within a week I started seeing a difference in the horse,” Ashker continued. “It obviously was something that’s a nerves thing, and I think the Positude really helped her deal with those demons. I was sold on the Positude instantly.”

Ashker also uses Positude on a gelding in the barn who is nervous and reactive to new situations. “Even putting boots on the first time, he had a hard time dealing with,” she said. “I found that it really helped him make the transition of adding new things to his program. He seemed to take a breath and start to think about new things instead of immediately reacting in a worried way. I really believe in the product.”

Ulceraser is part of Ashker’s program as well, and she sees significant results for the horses on it, especially the Thoroughbreds. When her top horse, Call Him Paddy, was on stall rest, she trusted Ulceraser to keep his digestive system healthy. “The key guys that have been needing it are my Thoroughbreds, and they’re the ones I’ve seen tremendous results with it,” she said.

Ulceraser’s proprietary blend of human-grade ingredients helps build and strengthen stomach and intestinal mucosa, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, boost the immune system, reduce anxiety and nervousness, and clear sand and debris from the gut. Up to 90% of performance horses have ulcers due to the stress of travel, training, large grain meals, lack of access to grazing, and use of harsh nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.  After (and in conjunction with) medications such as omeprazole, Ulceraser can help maintain a horse’s healthy digestive tract and prevent the recurrence of ulcers. Unlike pastes and powders, horses love to eat the forage-based Ulceraser, so there’s no waste or mess, and even the pickiest eaters love it.

“I’ve also added it for a client’s horse of mine. He’s very calm at home, but when he travels, he has a nervous habit of throwing his tongue around. He has nervous tics, and the Ulceraser helps him. I feel like horses are creatures of habit, and whenever you change their routine, it’s a breeding ground for stress, which causes ulcers. I like to take preventative measures, and I think the Ulceraser really helps.”

Ashker not only has multiple horses in her own barn on Equine Elixirs products, but she also recommends them to clients. “I heard back from one of my clients who’s using Positude and Ulceraser that her horse is gaining weight and that she saw the most amazing bloom on her horse’s coat,” Ashker said. “She went out of her way to text me and say, ‘This stuff works so well.’”

Ulceraser and Positude’s effective, all-natural, and USEF- and FEI-safe formulas have quickly gained a following with many of the country’s top riders and trainers, including McLain Ward, Scott Stewart, Peter Pletcher, Tori Colvin, Jimmy Torano, Louise Serio, Amanda Derbyshire, Mario Deslauriers, Kristen Venderveen, Missy Clark, Lauren Hough, and many more.

The gastric support treats Tidbits® joined the Equine Elixirs line-up this year, providing riders with the opportunity to reward their horses with treats formulated to support healthy digestion in ulcery horses. They are ideal for use during training, competition, travel, changes in weather, changes in environment, or other stressful situations, with a crunchy great taste that horses love.

A 30-day supply of Ulceraser costs just $59.99, and a 30-ounce bottle of Positude, which is a 30-day supply, costs just $49.99. Auto-ship options are available. Find out more and order Positude, Ulceraser, and Tidbits online at

Equine Elixirs leads the field in all-natural, equine supplements to ensure the health of the horse. Ulceraser®, a forage-based supplement for gastric health and ulcer prevention, and Positude®, an orally administered proprietary blend providing hormonal support, are all-natural, effective, and affordable solutions for improving horse health. Learn more at and follow them on Facebook and Instagram.